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Player Information

Jenna Borenstein
New York, New York
Recent Graduate
Class of 2014 - Provisional

Please Note: Analysis for this player is based on a provisional graduation year - our best guess for when she is graduating based on birthdate and tournaments played. DO NOT contact this player unless you have independently verified her eligibility to be recruited.

Recruiting Lists
  Middle Atlantic:NA 
  New York:NA 
  Sched. Strength:NA 
2013 Recruiting: 910 (12/11)
TennisRPI:801 (12/6)
2012 Recruiting: 957 (1/25)
TennisRPI: 909 (1/6)
2011 Recruiting: 936 (12/7)
TennisRPI: 788 (8/12)
2010 Recruiting: 793 (9/1)
TennisRPI: 1003 (8/13)
Overall Record:0-0 
vs. Blue-Chips:0-0 
vs. 5-Star:0-0 
vs. 4-Star:0-0 
vs. 3-Star:0-0 
vs. 2-Star:0-0 
vs. 1-Star:0-0 
vs. Not Rated:0-0 

6/13 Lucas Elkins chooses Pomona-Pitzer
6/13 Martina Genis Salas chooses Virginia
6/13 Connor Dils chooses New Mexico
6/12 Francisco Gamez chooses UTRGV
6/12 Murilo Guarniari chooses Wabash
6/12 Lucia Gaio chooses Bowling Green
6/12 Maria Matsoukatidi chooses New Mexico
6/12 Ellie Morrow chooses Purdue
6/11 Mackenzie Long chooses Piedmont
6/11 Amanda Allenbach chooses Piedmont

Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 2:33:58 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections