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Player Information

Kyle Killough
Cypress, Texas
Junior, Class of '25 - Provisional

Please Note: Analysis for this player is based on a provisional graduation year - our best guess for when he is graduating based on birthdate and tournaments played. DO NOT contact this player unless you have independently verified his eligibility to be recruited.

Overall Record: 0-3  
February 11-13, 2023
Cypress, TX
Boys' 16 & Under Singles
Complete Results
Round Wins Losses Score
R5 Ali Kone   Walkover*
R4   Cullen Whitman (1616) 6-0 6-1
R6   Clay Ressling (1797) 6-2 7-5
R7   Nicolas Serrano (1930) 6-4 4-6 [10-7]
* The ranking calculation does NOT consider matches marked with an asterisk.
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3/01 Liva Rodrigues Daud chooses Creighton
3/01 Stella Simpson-Morgan chooses Colorado State
3/01 Valerija Kargina chooses Fordham
2/28 Joseph Au chooses Illinois Tech
2/28 Ian Batra chooses Stevens
2/28 Jon Titan Nguyen chooses Millsaps
2/27 Shion Itsusaki chooses Tennessee
2/27 Jasper Camehn chooses Creighton
2/27 Xinzhe Xu chooses Seattle

Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Sunday, February 04, 2024 at 2:42:02 AM
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