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Player Information

Isabel Burwitz
Swansea, Illinois
Recent Graduate, Class of '18 - Provisional

Please Note: Analysis for this player is based on a provisional graduation year - our best guess for when she is graduating based on birthdate and tournaments played. DO NOT contact this player unless you have independently verified her eligibility to be recruited.

Overall Record: 2-1  
July 28-30, 2017
Webster Groves Tennis Center, Saint Louis, MO
Girls' 18 Singles
Complete Results
Round Wins Losses Score
S   Keeley Van Antwerp (522) 6-2;6-2
CS Shelby Jones   6-1;6-0
CF Madyson Schreiber   6-0;6-0
3/19 Zoe Faller chooses Simmons
3/19 Kori Montoya chooses Texas A&M
3/18 Adi Bitton chooses UNLV
3/18 Sasha Colleu chooses Illinois
3/18 Nathan Germino chooses Richmond
3/18 Emma Rashid chooses Westmont
3/18 Noa Maj Kosman chooses Ball State
3/18 AJ Deem chooses Utah
3/18 Hugo Fidler chooses New (FL)
3/17 Zhengjie Wu chooses Swarthmore

Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Sunday, July 29, 2018 at 2:16:22 AM
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