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Player Record


Please Note: Analysis for this player is based on a provisional graduation year - our best guess for when she is graduating based on birthdate and tournaments played. DO NOT contact this player unless you have independently verified her eligibility to be recruited.

Overall Record:12-0 
vs. Blue-Chips:2-0 
vs. 5-Star:0-0 
vs. 4-Star:0-0 
vs. 3-Star:0-0 
vs. 2-Star:0-0 
vs. 1-Star:0-0 
vs. Not Rated:10-0Free Sample
February 5, 2016 Fifteen Champions Emerge as January Aces
January 22, 2016 Defending Champion, World No. 1 Target Australian Open Junior Titles
September 18, 2015 Fritz Tops Paul to Earn US Open Boys Title
September 1, 2015 Kalinskaya Sweeps International Hard Courts Titles Again; Auger Aliassime Takes Boys Championship
July 17, 2015 Opelka Captures Wimbledon Boys Final, Zhuk Takes Girls Championship

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Page updated on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 3:05:06 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections