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Frequently Asked Questions - Player Profiles

Many players ask us questions about our website and rankings. The answers to 95% of these questions are listed here. If you do not see the answer to your question, please send us an email or contact us.


Updating Player Profiles


How do I update my player profile?

It is very easy. First, you must register for a free account. Then, log in and click on Link Account to Player - either right after registering or at any time by clicking the Profile: Link hotlink in the black bar at the top of the browser window. The directions from there should be straightforward.


I updated my information on the Update Profile page, but my profile did not change. How can I fix that?

When you make changes to a player profile, you will be able to see the changes on the Update Profile page, but the actual player profile is not updated immediately. We make sure that all changes go through a review process to ensure data integrity and prevent profanity and abuse. Changes are usually approved within 24 hours.


I updated my graduation year from the Class of 2008 to the Class of 2009. But my name does not show up on the Class of 2009 list. What is going on?

Changing graduation years in the TennisRecruiting.net system is a process that is difficult to handle tastefully. Here is how things work when a player updates his/her graduation year:

Whenever a person changes classes, we have an inherent problem for the current week: Consider the case where the person ranked #100 in the Class of 2008 updated his/her class to the Class of 2009 - and the ranking for the Class of 2009 would be #80. Now, what should we do with the lists?

  • We cannot just re-rank - it would look funny if every time you came to our list you were ranked up or down a few notches.
  • If we take the person out of the Class of 2008 list right now, there will be a hole at #100 in the rankings - there would be no one ranked #100 at all. (This looks ugly and creates confusion.)
  • In the Class of 2009, there are already kids ranked #79, #80, and #81. What should we do there? Co-rank two kids at #80? Co-ranking also looks equally ugly.

We handle this case by waiting until the next ranking to insert the player into the new list. For the current week only, the player remains in the old list (i.e., the Class of 2008) and his/her profile indicates no ranking. We do figure out the relative rankings for the historical ranking charts and top prospect rating - and those are updated accordingly. But there is at most a one week period where the player will be unranked.

For the example above, the player will remain in the Class of 2008 list for this week, the player profile will read Class of 2009, and next week, the player will show up as a "new" player in the Class of 2009.

Keep in mind that changing classes should be a one-time event for any player.


Can I update my profile picture without purchasing a Recruiting Advantage membership?

Yes, you can update your photograph with a free account.

You must first register for an account and link to a player. Then click on Update Player Profile in the My Account box in the lower right-hand corner. One of the options on that page is updating your photograph.


My local paper wrote an article about me. Can I link to that article from my profile?

Yes, Recruiting Advantage members can link to third-party news articles on their profile. As an example, take a look at the news articles on this profile. Click on the More News link and notice that we include third-party articles in addition to our own content and that of our partners.

After linking to your player profile, click on the Update link. Then click on Multimedia to reference news article from your profile.


Page updated on Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 4:25:46 PM
Contact our web team with any corrections