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Spotlight Players of the Week: Daniel Lu and Elisa Rodriguez

SPOTLIGHT ON Daniel Lu (West Des Moines, Iowa)


Music on your playlist: I have a lot of pump up music that has rap and all that stuff. But I also have a softer pop side with artists like Lewis Capaldi.

Dream vacation destination: Either Paris, because of all the monuments like the Eiffel Tower and Roland Garros, or Greece.

Favorite food: Crab macaroni and cheese.

Favorite athletes: Rafa Nadal, because is a lefty and hard-working, and Dominic Thiem.

Future occupation: I am not completely sure, but probably something in the science field like either Biology or Physics.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be: Kevin Hart because he is just a funny guy and I think that would be a really fun dinner.

Must-watch TV show: Impractical Jokers

Favorite movie: The Hunger Games series

If I am not playing tennis, I am … either hanging out with friends, doing schoolwork or singing in the choir. I have done choir since the fifth grade. I sing Bass 1, which is also known as Baritone.

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Page updated on Monday, March 10, 2025
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