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Tournament Feature
Virtual Tournament Desk Provides a Safety Strategy During Covid

There were many reasons Lindsay Lee-Waters and her husband, Heath Waters, wanted to see kids back playing tournaments. They knew it would help their physical and mental health as well as their chances to be recruited.

But given the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, they knew the only way it could happen required strict safety protocols.

It led them to creating Virtual Tournament Desk (VTD) technology through their Match Tennis App. The VTD allows tournaments to operate with greater social distancing guidelines and protocols in place by having players check in, get notified of their court assignments and report their scores virtually.

"The recruiting journey was one of the big motivations for creating this,” said Lee-Waters, a former WTA top 40 player. “These kids have worked their whole life from a young age to be able to get recruited, and tournament competition is an extremely important part. Even if coaches can't watch in person right now, they can at least see some results."

Three of the largest USTA sections have mandated tournaments use the Match Tennis App’s VTD technology. Nearly 50 tournaments each weeked are using the app, according to Heath Waters.

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Page updated on Friday, February 28, 2025
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