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Frequently Asked Questions - Player Video

Many players ask us questions about our website and rankings. The answers to 95% of these questions are listed here. If you do not see the answer to your question, please send us an email or contact us.




Can I upload video to TennisRecruiting.net?

Yes! TennisRecruiting.net allows you to embed YouTube videos right on your player profile page. Just link to your player profile and click on the Multimedia link to get started.


I can update everything else on my profile for free. Why do I need a Recruiting Advantage membership to upload video?

We have many minors who use our website, and we take many measures to ensure that inappropriate content does not appear on profile pages. The most important measure is our review process - all submissions are reviewed by our staff.

Reviewing videos is very time-consuming - and therefore costly. Requiring a Recruiting Advantage membership ensures that video submissions will be higher-quality, and it also helps cover the reviewing costs.


Do I need to publish a video?

Coaches always want to watch their recruits play. Video of your groundstrokes, serves, volleys, and match play can allow coaches to get the information they need whenever they have the time. And videos are obviously compelling - nothing grabs attention like a video clip.


What should go into my video?

A good video starts with a plan. The typical video is 2-5 minutes in length. Typical components include:

  • A short introduction where you introduce yourself and state your goals.
  • Several sections covering various technical components, like groundstrokes, serves, and net play.
  • Match play.


How do I upload my video to YouTube and TennisRecruiting.net?

Detailed instructions are available on your profile update webpage. Briefly, the steps are:

  • Create a free account on YouTube.
  • Upload one or more videos to YouTube.
  • Link your Recruiting Advantage account to your TennisRecruiting.net player profile.
  • Enter the YouTube video id on your profile update page at TennisRecruiting.net.

Just link to your player profile and click on the Multimedia link to get started.


Page updated on Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 5:25:46 PM
Contact our web team with any corrections