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Frequently Asked Questions - Top Prospect Ratings

Many players ask us questions about our website and rankings. The answers to 95% of these questions are listed here. If you do not see the answer to your question, please send us an email or contact us.


"Star" Ratings


What are the Top Prospects?

Check out the Top Prospects Description.


I am a 1-star recruit but I have wins over a lot of 2 and 3-stars. When do I get another "star"?

The ratings (stars) are awarded twice a year, once near the beginning of the school year (late September) and a second time in the early Spring (mid-March). Ratings are based on the two highest rankings achieved during a time period before the ratings come out. To see the time periods and thresholds used, please read the Top Prospects Description

As the year goes by, some players have improved, thus moving up in the rankings but they retain their present "stars" until the next rating period. We do this so that the college coaches can see who is improving their game.


Really? You use the highest two rankings in the rating period? That seems a bit weird? Why not just the highest ranking?

Tennis Recruiting puts out rankings every week using the latest match data available. There are times when there are errors in the data - like when the winner and loser are mixed up. Those errors are usually fixed each week, with the data and rankings corrected the following week.

However, there are times when a player's ranking might jump considerably because of an incorrect score - and it might jump them up to the next rating level. By requiring players to achieve the threshold for two weeks in the rankings, we can avoid these errors.


Page updated on Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 5:25:46 PM
Contact our web team with any corrections