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Frequently Asked Questions - Recruiting Advantage

Many players ask us questions about our website and rankings. The answers to 95% of these questions are listed here. If you do not see the answer to your question, please send us an email or contact us.


Recruiting Advantage Premium Membership


What benefits do I get from becoming a Recruiting Advantage member?

Upgrade your membership to Recruiting Advantage, and you get complete access to all of the exclusive content and services at TennisRecruiting.net.

Content available to our Recruiting Advantage members includes:

We have plans for many additional services and content that will be available only to our Recruiting Advantage members - but folks with free accounts will continue to have a great experience.

Finally, purchasing a Recruiting Advantage membership is a great way to support TennisRecruiting.net and the rankings we put out each week.


I have two children that play tennis. Do I have to pay for two Recruiting Advantage memberships for them?

You need multiple accounts to update information about multiple players – and you would need multiple Recruiting Advantage accounts to view the statistics pages for multiple children or upload photo galleries, videos, and videos.

Note that with one subscription you can still view almost everything on the website – see all the prospect lists, read all the content, etc. And with multiple free accounts, you can update information for all your children. But you would only be able to see statistics for the children linked to a Recruiting Advantage account.

So...�how you proceed is up to you. You can choose to only pay for one membership for your most "recruitable" player – just using the free service for children that are not yet recruitable. Or, if you find the statistics addictive, you can choose to purchase more than one account.


Page updated on Wednesday, May 01, 2024 at 10:35:33 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections