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Frequently Asked Questions - Accounts

Many players ask us questions about our website and rankings. The answers to 95% of these questions are listed here. If you do not see the answer to your question, please send us an email or contact us.


Free Accounts


Why should I register at TennisRecruiting.net?

Registration at TennisRecruiting.net is free - and it is your ticket to TennisRecruiting.net services and content.

For junior players, registration allows you to update information for college coaches to query. You can also validate your graduation year to ensure that you are included in our lists.

Everyone who registers gets access to the complete College Recruiting and TennisRPI Lists - along with access to many of our player profiles and much of our exclusive content.


I registered at TennisRecruiting.net, but I did not receive a confirmation email. What should I do?

Many online services have spam filters that capture your email, and it is possible that your confirmation email was flagged as spam. Before doing anything else, check your spam configuration and any folders where spam is directed.

If you still cannot find the email, try sending a text version of the confirmation email by doing the following:

  • Log in to TennisRecruiting.net with your username and password. (Note that you can log in even if you have not verified your email address.
  • At the bottom right-hand side of your browser, there is a My Account section. Click on Activate Your Account.
  • Verify that your email address is set correctly, and then click on the Send Confirmation button.

Within a few minutes, you should receive a text version of the confirmation email with a verification link inside. If this does not work, contact TennisRecruiting.net support.


When I update my email address on the Edit Your Account page, my old email address is listed as the "confirmed email address".

Why are two email addresses shown?

TennisRecruiting.net sends all email correspondence (e.g., receipts, password reminders) to your confirmed email address. When you update your email address, you must confirm the new address (i.e., by clicking on the "confirm account" link in the confirmation email). Once confirmed, your updated email address will be the only email address associated with your account.

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Page updated on Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 5:25:46 PM
Contact our web team with any corrections